11050 NW 10th Ave
Chiefland, FL 32626
Contact: Cleo Prevatt
Hours of Operation
Open Close
Sunday Closed
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10:00 AM 3:00 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM 3:00 PM
Thursday 10:00 AM 3:00 PM
Friday 10:00 AM 3:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM 3:00 PM

Welcome to the Levy County Quilt Museum. We may be off the beaten path (between Chiefland and Bronson about a mile off Highway Alt 27 on CR134), but we're worth the effort.

Our Museum has things from the past as well as many items for sale. All of our craft items were made by local residents.

Please take some time to browse our web site which will tell our history and show off our Museum. Many of the items in the Museum were donated by friends of the Museum over the years. We are a not for profit organization. We do not charge any admission fees, and we have plenty of free parking, with lots of room for RV’s.

In 1983, eight ladies formed a quilt group. Mary Brookins, one of the original members, thought the group should have a name and maybe even name the group after a quilt block – with that, the Log Cabin Quilters was formed.

By 1986 the ladies had decided they needed a place of their own rather than meeting in each other's homes. The ladies worked hard to raise the money with yard sales, bake sales, quilt raffles, dinners, and donations. The building was completed and debt free by 1998, Most of the ladies were 60+ years old.

Winnelle Horne was the force behind the group and ran the Museum until her death in January 2012. Volunteers have taken on the task of keeping the Museum open.

We invite you to stop by for a visit. We have many quilt blocks on the walls under the porch roof.

Inside we have quilts and sewing machines and other items, all which have been donated friends of the Museum. We have many handcrafted/quilted items on consignment and lots of quilts for all to enjoy.

The porch has several swings and rocking chairs waiting for you to sit outside and enjoy the countryside.

We are a private Museum run by volunteers and receive no funds by any government agency. Our funding is from donations (501c3) and funds from consignment items by local crafters.

We have a quilt frame set up for hand quilting and are always ready to teach anyone how to hand quilt. Volunteers are happy to answer questions on a variety of crafting projects. Stop in for a visit!

Latitude: 29.490144    Longitude: -82.78986
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